Frequently Asked Questions

Storacall is now being run by Storacall Voice Systems (2019) Limited. Here are some answers to questions we are being asked by customers.

Storacall Voice Systems Limited, the business behind Storacall went into liquidation on Friday 29th November. The liquidator (Martin Charles Armstrong of Turpin Barker Armstrong) have entered into an agreement to sell the business and assets to Storacall Voice Systems (2019) Limited, who are operating the business with immediate effect. The business will continue to trade as Storacall.

Storacall Voice Systems (2019) Limited is led by entrepreneur Stephen Whyte. Stephen has over 18 years experience in IT software solutions and business leadership. Stephen owns a range of complementary businesses under the NED Holdings Group. Stephen and his teams bring stability and scale to the new business and a commitment to the long term future that will enable us to develop new and innovative products.

Service is running on a normal basis. Our team are providing a full and uninterrupted service. If you have any support queries please use the various contact methods available at

We have acquired all outstanding invoices and will be contacting you shortly to make arrangements for you to pay Storacall Voice Systems (2019) Limited.

If you have made payment to Storacall Voice Systems Limited since the 29th of November do not worry. Please Contact Us to notify us of payment. We will liaise with you and the liquidators to ensure all payments after 29th November are transferred to our account. In the interim we may ask you for proof of payment.

Our team should already have contacted you to continue your install, if you have not been contacted please let us know at

The team will continue to offer and develop our great product offer, making it as easy as possible for you to manage call recording and call centres. Our extensive group development team will be developing new features and functionality as well as responding to customer requests. There are some very exciting new developments that we will be announcing in the New Year.

If you are a creditor of Storacall Voice Systems Limited, please contact the liquidator (Martin Charles Armstrong of Turpin Barker Armstrong). Storacall Voice Systems (2019) Limited will be contacting relevant suppliers to ensure supply continuity.